Friday, April 17, 2015

Median Weekly Earnings by Sex, Race/Ethnicity and Educational Attainment

This chart shows median weekly earnings in 2014 broken down by gender, ethnicity and educational attainment. 

Looking at earnings by sex, in spite of the decline in men’s real wages over the last decade and an increase in women's earnings, in 2014 men still out earned women across all educational levels.

And, the gap between male and female earnings increases with education. At less than a high school diploma, women earned $0.79 on the dollar compared with men, up to a bachelors degree the ratio is about $0.77, but with an advanced degree, the ratio fell to $0.73.

There is also a disparity in earnings across ethnicity with whites and Asians out earning Hispanics and African Americans across all levels of education.

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